How to be more you

It feels so good to be yourself. Like freedom.

The opportunity to show up exactly as you are, without apology. To get to be you and to be happy with you no matter what.

The process of getting there, though, can feel scary. Uncomfortable. Even impossible.

After all, you've spent a large part of your life hiding traits you think others won't like. Working hard to fit in so that you're not rejected. Ignoring dreams to achieve goals you felt obligated to pursue.

This isn't a judgement. We choose to live that way because we're human. Humans need other humans. Being accepted by the tribe is how we've survived.

But the stress of living a life that doesn't feel like your own can hinder you from living a life you enjoy. Including now as you're looking ahead to your next chapter.

It's a recipe for anxiety, stress, overwhelm. And for staying stuck.

It's the difference between choosing to survive or choosing to thrive.

When I got into my 40s, I became determined to thrive.

It began with a simple desire to wear colors (purple!) that were outside of my comfort zone. A desire that I immediately resisted.

They were too bold, my mind said. I was too old. Not creative enough. Not cool enough.

And I noticed it. I noticed the resistance and the self-judgements that created it.

The connection I made between how I felt and what I was thinking led me into a cognitive and emotional deep dive that continues to this day.

It's at the heart of self-coaching.

Where else were my thoughts holding me back? What else did I believe about myself that wasn't true? What was I longing for but scared to pursue?

Self-coaching has paved the way for me to confidently and compassionately become more of who I am: enthusiastic, earnest, curious, creative.

It gives you an opportunity to mind your mind. To feel your feelings. To investigate, befriend, and evolve yourself into more of who you are.

That is a joyous life.

Sara B. Weeks

Inspiring anxious, midlife women like me who are ready to enjoy life.


The effort is worth it