The effort is worth it

I know how easy it is to give up.

To stop going after a dream, a goal. To stop trying to cultivate a healthy habit.

It takes effort. And effort takes energy. Something our brains are designed to conserve.

That's why thought obstacles like "I'm too old" or "This is too hard" or "I've never been able to" are so easy for our minds to believe.

They create anxiety and fear, which we want to avoid.

And there is a sliver of truth to them.

New behaviors are hard. They do take effort. You haven't done them before.

But that doesn't mean you can't.

Think of all the things you've accomplished over the past decades that you weren't born knowing how to do.

Too many to list.

Each took time. Took effort. Took energy. And to achieve them, they required you to work through thoughts and feelings designed to hold you back.

You showed up for yourself again and again and again. It may have been hard. And you may not have even realized that's what you were doing. But you did it.

And you can do it today. Consciously.

Recognize the thoughts. Understand the emotions. Then take one small, manageable step forward, anyway. Give yourself evidence that you can commit to and follow through on something that's important to you.

That courage will give you confidence in your ability to take care of yourself. Confidence that is required to live a life you enjoy.

Sara B. Weeks

Inspiring anxious, midlife women like me who are ready to enjoy life.


How to be more you


What it means to enjoy your life